Project Remedium on Kikstarter

Title: Project Remedium
Platform: PC planned Q2 2017
Genre: Action
Publisher: PlayWay SA
Developer: Atomic Jelly
Project Remedium - on Youtube:
14.3.2017 - Project Remedium on Kikstarter
About this project

As Nano+, a one-of-a-kind medical nanobot, journey through the human organism to discover the cause of a strange illness and heal it for good. Aid your fellow nanobots to maintain order and fix various health related issues.

Craft benevolent chemicals, improve yourself and your means of healing. With a unique grapnel, travel in a fast and agile way. Acquire medical knowledge, cut through tissues and discover secrets. And above all, fight morbifics ('morbs' for short) of all sizes and shapes - pathogens, mutated organisms, growths and deranged nanobots - with two adaptive and modifiable weapons.
This story driven shooter blends realism and actual medical facts with both metaphoric approach to healing and dynamic, combat-packed action. Ever wondered if one day microscopic robots will help us fight ailments? Do you think that illness that makes you hurt is an enemy that should be kicked in the butt? If answer to both questions is YES, then Project Remedium is a game for you.

- upgradeable weapons for damage dealing and accelerated healing
- versatile grapnel for climbing and quick getaways
- substance crafting for improving both treatment methods and feats of Nano+
- interactive environment with infected tissue and ailments
- a story to discover and friendly nanobots to provide aid
- various missions related with healing and helping fellow bots
- bloodstream and 6 organs to heal

We are already very satisfied with Project Remedium, but it's an indie game, with allits limitations, nonetheless. We faced constraints, some compromises had to be made. With your help, we can sate the hunger for improvements. We can make this game even better.

Our dedication to creating games is important part of our lives. Being able to improve our games is as important as constant improving of our craft.

Atomic Jelly is an indie game development studio based in Poznan, Poland, founded in 2016. Our team is a group of ambitious and hard working developers. We wanted to combine our passions and skills to fulfill the dream of bringing unique games to life. After gaining knowledge and experience in many ventures, from demoscene projects to Triple-A titles, we noticed how we compliment each other and decided to start a studio together. Our strong connection with the electronic entertainment reinforces our dedication to creating interesting and enjoyable games based on unconventional ideas.

Atomic Jelly is a new indie game dev studio located in Poznan, Poland.
We are not far from the release day of their first game. “Project Remedium” is a dynamic, story-driven FPP action shooter. The game allows us to play as a nanobot injected into an organism of a young Patient suffering from an unidentified illness. Aside from performing a plethora of medical missions - frequently portrayed in a metaphorical way - a miniature robot called Nano+ explores the incredible microcosm, eliminating clusters of various pathogens and cleansing infected places.
The protagonist, equipped with a wonderful medicine called Remedium and aided by Supervisette, an experienced supervisor nanobot, aims at the ultimate goal of healing the patient from her mysterious ailment. Nano+ will fight not only against the microbes, but also mutated microorganisms and malfunctioning nanobots. Luckily, our champion will also find valuable allies.
The player will have two weapons at his disposal: an energy cannon and a Remedium sprayer; additionally, he can use a grapnel allowing fast travel and even quicker getaways - all of this upgradeable, of course.
In the game we will find, among other features, a skill tree, crafting of supplementing substances, healing infected regions and interaction with the extraordinary environment that was created due to the patient’s illness.
The game utilizes possibilities offered by UE4 game engine to allow exploration of the human body, mixing the modest use of education with fast action and great fun. On the release date, scheduled for Q3, the game will be launched on PC. PlayWay S.A. is the game’s official publisher.
- exploration of human body
- story-driven action-shooter
- action withing a human body, to save a little girl
- six organs to heal
- bloodstream as communication routes
- organs destroyed not only by an illness and the pathogens, but also by many malfunctioning nanobots
- some nanobots from the older generation tried to heal using weird methods, erecting structures that were meant to support failing organs
- other nanobots malfunctioned and try to kill the patient
- many illnesses shown part medically, part metaphorically for improving the storyline and gameplay
- we meet not only the enemies, but also many possible allies that need our help with fulfilling tasks
- the protagonist is Nano+; his mentor is SuperVisette, experienced nanobot from the eldest generation
- exploring
- hidden places allowing to speed up the healing
- many objects to pickup and gather
- upgradeable weapons
- one for destruction (medical laser)
- other for healing, but dangerous for pathogens (medicine sprayer)
- skill tree for protagonist and upgrade tree for weapons
- grapnel allowing quick getaways and comfortable traveling
- crafting of substances for healing and improving protagonist's capabilities
- various tasks based on healing and pathogen elimination
- necessity for caution during fight to avoid collateral organ damage
Atomic Jelly to nowe poznańskie studio indie. Ich pierwsza gra wielkimi krokami zbliża się do dnia premiery. "Project Remedium" to dynamiczny action shooter w perspektywie FPP, napędzany rozbudowaną fabułą. W grze wcielamy się w nanobota umieszczonego w organizmie młodej Pacjentki cierpiącej z powodu niezidentyfikowanej choroby.
Oprócz wykonywania szeregu medycznych misji - przedstawionych nierzadko w metaforyczny sposób - miniaturowy robot Nano+ eksploruje niezwykły mikrokosmos, likwidując skupiska patogenów wszelkiej maści oraz czyszcząc zarażone miejsca.
Bohater, zaopatrzony w cudowny lek - Remedium - oraz wspierany przez SuperVisette, doświadczonego nadzorczego nanobota, dąży do celu ostatecznego czyli wyleczenia Pacjentki z tajemniczej choroby. Na drodze Nano+ staną nie tylko mikroby, ale również zmutowane mikroorganizmy oraz zepsute nanoboty. Na szczęście nasz bohater znajdzie też cennych sojuszników.
Do dyspozycji gracza oddane są dwie bronie: działko energetyczne oraz rozpylacz Remedium, dodatkowo dostaje również kotwiczkę umożliwiającą szybkie przemieszczanie się oraz jeszcze szybsze ucieczki - wszystko to oczywiście z możliwością rozbudowy. W grze znajdziemy też miedzy innymi drzewko umięjętności, tworzenie wspomagających substancji, leczenie zarażonych obszarów oraz interakcje z niezwykłym środowiskiem jakie wytworzyło się wskutek choroby naszej pacjentki.
Gra, wykorzystując możliwości silnika UE4, pozwoli nam na eksplorację wnętrza ludzkiego ciała, łącząc nienachalną edukację z szybką akcją i dobrą zabawą. W dniu premiery planowanej na trzeci kwartał 2016, gra dostępna będzie na platformie PC. Jej oficjalnym wydawcą został PlayWay S.A..
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