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Police Shootout - PlayStation 5 Release Trailer

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Chernobyl T.A. 2 Online F2P

After big success of Chernobyl Terrorist Attack - we decided to make new version as a online game - Free-to-Play with microtransactions.

We agreed in company - that if CTA1 will be more than 20weeks on Top10 Soyuz Javel Case - we will make F2P game.

There was many questions about C.T.A. 2, and we didnt talk about this game, because we was testing our engine. Now i can say, that we are on Online version, which everybody will be able to play for free.

We try to make Prypiat town 1:1, and build our micropayments, on some buildings where you will be able to enter - after micro-payment.

Chernobyl Terrorist Attack - Week 22 - on top10 Soyouz Russia - Jawel-case distribution retail.

Its almost half year - when our budget game, is so high in sale in Russia territory.
We plan to releaase Chernobyl T.A. 2 in 2012

Игры для PC в упаковке Jewel Case

PlayWay Spółka Akcyjna - registered office ul. Bluszczańska 76 lok 6, 00-712 Warsaw, Poland

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